GA Health is a learning and growing organisation. We are passionate about realising the vision of becoming the leading solution provider for endoscopic infection prevention by prioritising users’ needs.
Hong Kong, 2 September 2022 – GA Health launched the new employee branding. The revitalised brand presents our company’s shift from manufacturing to proactive product development for endoscopic infection prevention.
GA Health’s headquarters is based in Hong Kong, with 25 employees in Product Development and Management, Marketing, Global Supply Chain Operations, Quality and Compliance, IT and Finance.
GA Health’s infection prevention journey dates to 1995 in the midst of the Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) outbreak in the UK. Ken Mc Cabe, the co-founder of GA Health, was invited by Manchester Royal Eye Hospital to develop a solution to prevent the potential transmission of this terrible disease during eye surgery. He took on the challenge and succeeded in being the pioneer in developing ophthalmic instruments for single-patient use in these critical procedures, forever changing infection prevention in ophthalmology.
Today, GA Health is a trusted name for infection prevention, especially in endoscopy.
It was not smooth sailing to where we are today. We have learnt heavily from a significant product issue, and finally, we realise it’s all about understanding the end user.
We took a step back to study endoscopic procedures, sent staff to the hospital to take training for eight months, and through this process, we finally started to understand the root causes. That was in early 2019. This is the shift of GA Health from pure manufacturing to proactive product development.
Building Andorate to serve every step in an endoscopy cycle is our dream. GA Hong Kong, China and Ireland are determined to work enthusiastically to realise this dream for the best patient outcomes.

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